
Courses in Uppsala

Writing scientific English

for PhD students 2024

24 Sept to 28 Nov 2024 (with 8 lectures during that period). No classes weeks 41 or 42.

Schedule is here.

Room numbers coming later.

Applications will be accepted until 13 September 2024 at 5 p.m. or until the course is full, whichever occurs first.

Decisions will be emailed when the course is  full, or by Tuesday, 17 Sept at the latest.

today’s update 2024-07-01

Practical protein crystallization and data collection course

was cancelled in 2020 due to the pandemic.

However, I regularly teach in  courses at other university venues. Check under the tab “News” for what’s happening in 2024.


This writing course is open to PhD students in the TekNat faculty at Uppsala University.

How to apply?

Info and course content are here.  The course is held on campus at the Biomedical Center in Uppsala. Applications are currently open.

We meet on Tuesdays from 15.15 to 17.00. Attendance is obligatory to receive the 3 credits; up to one absence is allowed.

This course was to held for one week at Swedish Agricultural University in Uppsala, followed by a week at the MAX IV synchrotron in Lund. Unfortunately, it was cancelled and there are no current plans for a new one.

But you can read the syllabus from 2018  here and  download the laboratory exercises. They are useful for other courses.

You can also watch our short movie about the 2018 course below.

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